Following her North Star

For Clare, as long as
Blue Zeus was wild
and free and with
his family by his
side there was
something to
fight towards.

Blue Zeus is an incredibly special horse to Clare and Skydog. For years she had followed and admired photographs of this stunning Wyoming stallion and regularly commented on photos of him. Keeping them free and with his family was Clare’s holy grail so it came as a horrible shock to find out in summer of 2020 that his herd was slated for roundup. This film details Clare’s journey as she aims to free this majestic being and the unexpected twists, turns, and unexpected realizations along the way. 

An Inside Look

The film follows the story of Blue Zeus as well as the inner workings of Skydog Sanctuary. Viewers will be treated to an up-close look at their 9,000 wide open space in Oregon, where at-risk wild horses and family bands are brought to receive the care and treatment they deserve, and live out the rest of their lives wild and free.

Winters Rock Entertainment captured unbelievable footage of the non-profit, including horses in the wild, interviews with its Board of Directors, and hard-hitting discussions with those in the community- on both sides.

Winters Rock Entertainment lead the filming process, with acclaimed editor and cinematographer shaping the piece through post-production, with direct guidance by Skydog’s Founder, Clare Staples.

The film will also feature several insights with Skydog supporters, horse advocates, the BLM along with
narration by Gerard Butler.

Rising Stars on the Ranch

While the film focuses on Blue Zeus and story towards his freedom and being able to finally reunite with his family, it also allowed several other horses to make appearances and receive the spotlight treatment they don’t often get on social media.

With Skydog Sanctuary hosting over 300 horses and donkeys, it’s hard to showcase all those who call it home, so it was an absolute delight to see have several horses make a more prominent appearance, such as Huckleberry and Flora.